We are a 100% Italian company aiming to revolutionize energy usage in Local Energy Markets with the support of cutting-edge technologies.
Real-time optimisation of energy, flexibility of Distributed Energy Resources, producers, and consumers in Local Energy Markets (LEM).
To deliver a cutting-edge solution for managing the new power system with high-performance distributed Ledger Technology supported by Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT).
To provide a real-time optimisation of energy consumption through the flexibility of distributed energy resources, from producers and consumers in Smart Energy Communities.
To deliver a cutting-edge solution for managing the new power system with high-performance distributed Ledger Technology supported by Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT).
Blockchain technology has the potential to transform the way we share information, providing a non-intermediatory , immutable and transparent distributed ledger of transactions and accounts
IoT technology materializes a digital representation of the real world to a totally interconnected ecosystem, where you can share measured data and facilitate interaction between ecosystem participants
FlexyGrid provides turnkey solutions for Energy Management, energy cost reduction, and the establishment, management, and economic-financial optimization of flexible resources in various Local Energy Markets.
• FlexyGrid offers a “user monitoring solution”, a necessary step for optimizing consumption and participating in LEMs.
• Once monitoring is active, the full potential of flexibility is harnessed through production/demand and energy prices.
• Finally, FlexyGrid optimizes energy flows every fifteen minutes between production, storage, and Distributed Energy Resources (DERs).
• Smart Charging: with FlexyGrid you can optimise costas and reduce environmental impact via the 'smart program charging' of your electric vehicle
• Management and planning of energy transactions Vehicle to Home (V2H), to integrate your electric vehicle with the Smart Home
• Future participation in the mechanisms of Vehicle to Grid (V2G) to help the distribution network and even Peak Shaving
• Optimal management of self-consumption and participation in LEMs, with a focus on high-energy-density entities.
• Smart Demand Response of consumption and participation in flexible markets
• Flexible optimisation of generation and consumption assets